Early Termination of Probation in Texas

by Ricardo Barrera

What is it?

Early termination of probation was created by the Texas Legislature to reward those who have complied with their requirements of probation and have reformed as a result of it. The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 42.12 Section 12, allows a defendant to apply for early termination who has completed either 1/3rd of there probation or 18 months- whichever is less.

Best Time to Apply For Early Termination

Early termination of probation is best applied for when you have paid all fines, court costs and restitution (if required). Also, courts look to see if you have violated your probation in the past. Individuals that are on community supervision as result of a Deferred Adjudication may also be eligible for early termination. There are circumstances and certain offenses that will prevent you from being accepted for early termination of community supervision or probation that can be complex.

For information about cleaning your record with expunction or an order of non-disclosure see Expunctions and Nondisclosures: Effect on Background Checks

The Barrera Lawfirm has helped many people get an early termination of probation. For help with this process call us for a free consultation.



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