Harlingen Attorney Recommends Educating Voters About Constitutional Amendments

by Ricardo Barrera

Harlingen Attorney Recommends Educating Voters About Constitutional Amendments

The Texas Legislature has proposed a number of amendments to the State constitution, one of which would prevent state or local governments from limiting or prohibiting religious services.

Proposition Three would prevent churches being closed down for in-person services, including during periods of a public health crisis.

Channel 4 Valley Central News consulted with legal expert, Attorney Ricardo Barrera, who commented that:

“Constitutional amendment is the highest-grade law that can be put into place. It is taken the most seriously when it comes to enforcement in the courts.”

He adds that should there be a conflict between state laws and federal orders, federal orders would prevail.

“When it comes to the conflict between the two, there’s something called federal preemption” and that “federal preemption would be the ruling of the day, especially when it comes to a health and safety matter.”

There are other propositions that are being voted on by Texans and Ricardo Barrera recommends that elected officials should be expending every effort to educate people about the other proposed constitutional amendments. He feels it would be appropriate for them to: 

“go above and beyond, spend money on getting the word out — pamphlets, mailers, commercials” and that “people need to know what they’re voting on”.

See the Channel 4 Valley Central News report here.

Civil, family, and criminal law issues can be complex. It’s important to retain a qualified attorney to assist you in legal matters. Please call The Barrera Law Firm at (956) 428-2822 or contact us online for a free 15-minute consultation.



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