Holiday Access and Possession in Texas Custody Orders

by Ricardo Barrera

Holiday Access and Possession in Texas Custody Orders

In Texas, most custody orders have provision for holiday visitation, with the basic premise in mind that each parent gets a fair division of time with the children during the holiday season. Some orders provide alternate years on Christmas and Thanksgiving visitation. Whereas other customized orders provide parents a split of time on the holiday itself. The Court has very little interest in the plans of the parents. Their interest is what is best for the children. Texas judges want to make sure that children develop knowing that both parents share and support special events in their lives, especially events that allow for family activity, family tradition, and family bonding. It sometimes becomes necessary for Texas Judges to remind the parents of their duty to put the interests of the children first and not make the holidays just about themselves. No parent should dictate the plans the other parent makes during their respective possession as well. These cases can become cloudy, emotional, and difficult. 

Find out more about legal options relating to Holiday Season Custody Orders. Call The Barrera Law Firm at 956-428-2822, or contact us online for a free consultation.



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