How do I Prove My Ex is Hiding Income to Pay Less Child Support?

by Ricardo Barrera

Under Texas Law, child support is usually calculated based on the percentage guidelines in the Texas Family Code, 20% for one child, and add 5% more for each additional child up to 50% of the person’s net income.

If the person has other children, their child support may be less due to those obligations. However, the courts usually stick to the percentage-based calculation BUT they don’t have to.

A Texas court may also deviate from the guidelines based on the needs of the children, or evidence that the person is living large, brand new truck, expensive vacations, getting all their bills paid by their parents, spending more than they make.


It is never difficult to track this kind of behavior if it exists. One can always retain a competent attorney that ensures the person is served with legal and binding orders to produce proof of income, time slips, contracts, bank statements and an inventory of what they own and what they pay for.

If you need help in a child support case, call The Barrera Law Firm at 956 428-2822 for a free consultation.



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