My Spouse Has Threatened Me with Violence if We Divorce – What Do I Do?

by Ricardo Barrera

My spouse has threatened me with violence

Under Texas law, a spouse may report any instance of family violence to the proper police authority. Sometimes, police don’t have enough to arrest a person because the threat is vague or there is no evidence.

A temporary restraining order or protective order may be necessary depending on the extent and severity of the threat. 

Oftentimes, emotions run wild and people say things they normally wouldn’t act on. However, each instance must be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

A qualified attorney may include a temporary restraining order or protective order in a divorce to protect the family and secure a safe premises for the children, and to ensure that nothing is lost or wasted during the pendency of the divorce.

For help with this or other matters, call The Barrera Law Firm at (956) 428-2822 for a free consultation or complete our online form.



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