Parental Alienation in Texas Custody Cases as Basis to Modify Custody

by Ricardo Barrera

Parental Alienation in Texas Custody Cases as Basis to Modify Custody

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Sometimes a parent establishes a pattern of violation after violation of a court order, essentially only having it their way with no respect for what the judge orders. Should this be the case, you may petition the court to modify the court order to grant you the custodial rights since the other parent is neglectful of the needs of the children to have a relationship with both parents.

Oftentimes, when a skilled lawyer questions the motives and intent of the other parent as to why they continuously alienate the other parent, personal reasons or other influences show, which further show the parent to be unstable and potentially damaging to the emotional well being of the children. 

Many times, especially after a divorce, a party may remarry and a jealousy or punishment for the act is laid out in the form of denial of the children or pretextual reasons as to why the kids “don’t want to go.” The Court will often find a parent influencing the children to believe the new wife or husband is more important than the kids, or they draw a line around the other parent by accusing them of trying to take their place.

This litigation is particularly ugly and often requires experts and a full-blown jury trial to sort out. For a free consultation, call The Barrera Law Firm at 956-428-2822 or contact us online.



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