Some Universities Will Require COVID-19 Vaccinations. Is It Legal?

by Ricardo Barrera

Some Universities Will Require COVID-19 Vaccinations. Is It Legal_

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued Executive Order GA-35 that states:

“Any public or private entity that is receiving or will receive public funds through any means … shall not require a consumer to provide, as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place, documentation regarding the consumer’s vaccination status for any COVID-19 vaccine administered under an emergency use authorization.  No consumer may be denied entry to a facility financed in whole or in part by public funds for failure to provide documentation regarding the consumer’s vaccination status for any COVID-19 vaccine administered under an emergency use authorization.” 

However, as reported by Channel 4 Valley Central News, some private universities are making a COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for staff and students returning the classes in the fall.

Channel 4 Valley Central News asked Attorney Ricardo Barrera if universities and colleges are legally allowed to demand a vaccination.  He explains that:

“Legally they are.  And it doesn’t mean that just because legally they are, they aren’t susceptible to being challenged in court.  In the short run, whatever a college decides is what it is, until a court says otherwise.”

Click here to see the full report.

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