Texas Stepfather Adoptions

by Ricardo Barrera

Texas Stepfather Adoptions

Very often, a stepfather can fulfill the role of a biological parent, as it is not the biological contribution that makes a parent, but instead, it is the duties one executes in the best interest of the child. In order for a stepfather to adopt a child, there must be a termination of rights of the biological parent based on clear and convincing grounds. These grounds are found in the Texas Family Code. An example of a common reason why termination of parental rights may occur is failure to pay child support consecutively for one year. A biological parent may also voluntarily relinquish parental rights. This is considered common as long as Courts are comfortable with the background of the adoptive stepfather, and should the Court grant such termination of parental rights and adoption, the name of the child can be changed to reflect that of the adoptive parent. It is important to know all the circumstances behind stepfather adoptions. 

Call The Barrera Law Firm at 956-428-2822 or contact us online for a free consultation on the subject.



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