Uncontested Divorces in Texas; How to Get a Divorce Done Right

by Ricardo Barrera

How to Get a Divorce Done Right

Texas divorces are not always simple. A do-it-yourself divorce can result in an improper divorce that is not valid. There are five major stages of an uncontested divorce and they are:

  1. Proper filing of the Petition for Divorce and service upon the other spouse by process server or waiver of service;
  2. Investigation of all assets so that a fair agreement can be reached as to division of those assets and debts;
  3. The consolidation of any child support order if applicable, or proper and thorough provision relating to custody, possession and access, child support, health support, and any needed restrictions;
  4. Setting the case for final hearing with the proper procedure to ensure that all the agreements are made on the court record relating to the property, the children, and details needed for the judge to establish the divorce;
  5. The Final Decree of Divorce must be drafted to encompass all the agreements, with language that is clear and enforceable, and must be submitted timely to the judge with the notification to the state and Office of the Attorney General where applicable. 

It is important that one know these general steps. It is important to know what you are entitled to before you agree to something. The courts may dismiss your case if it is improperly done or untimely in its submission. 

For more information or a free consultation, call The Barrera Law Firm at 956-428-2822 for a free consultation or visit us online




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